Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Blogger Is Part Of A World Community

And that's one thing that excites me tremenduously. Here we have the people of the world, communicating directly with other people of the world. But along with the excitement from the communication, we get a challenge.

I'm a citizen of the USA, and I speak English, as do most of the readers of my blogs. But, not everybody in the world community speaks English. The English language not only doesn't have a majority in the community, it's not even the single most commonly spoken language. WikiPedia shows English in 4th place, behind Mandarin Chinese, Hindu / Urdu, and Spanish.

If I'm going to reach out into the world, I have to speak other languages in my blogs.

Almost two years ago, I started doing just that, when I had an immediate need to make my post Phishing Attack Warning Messages From Kaspersky Internet Security available in Russian. I found a publicly available front end for the Google Translator, enhanced the front end design, and published it as my Cumulus Translator Bar.

Working with Roberto of RobertosBlogs Dot Net, we now have a translator bar that uses the Google Translator, and supports any of 54 world languages.

Check out the install instructions for the English Translator Bar, here.

That's the beginning.

This week, we take a new direction, to Cumulus In Your Language. We're starting, with a "French to 54 Languages" translator bar. The "French to 54 Languages" capability is being tested in a blog that is published in French; if you have a blog that's published en Francais, you might want to try it out.

We're hoping to make additional languages available, as demand and resources exist.

Now, we provide translation for blogs not published in English, as well.

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